Resources & Helpful Links

Breastfeeding Resources

The benefits of breastfeeding include:
  • Breastfeeding offers mother and baby a special kind of closeness.
  • Breast milk has all the nutrients babies need for the first 4 to 6 months. It's tailor-made for their growth and developmental needs.
  • Babies digest breast milk more easily than other foods.
  • Breast milk contains substances that protect babies from several contagious illnesses. Studies have shown that breast-fed infants have fewer colds and ear infections.
  • Breastfed babies are less prone to colic and diarrhea.
  • Breast milk may protect babies from allergies as they get older.
  • Nursing speeds the return of the mother's uterus to normal size. Every time you nurse, the muscles of your uterus contract.
  • Breastfeeding is easier than sterilizing bottles and preparing formula. It costs much less as well.

The best way to prepare for breastfeeding is to take a breastfeeding class before you give birth. Most hospital lactation centers have classes. Le Leche League International also offers classes and other resources: Another good research-based website is